Thursday, June 18, 2009

As if/as though/as much as

One of the uses of the past subjunctive is after as if/as though to indicate unreality or improbability or doubt in the present.

TIP: there is no difference between as if and as though

  • He behaves as if she was the boss here. (But she isn`t the boss or we don`t know whether she is the boss or not.) Тэр эндэхийн эзэн байсан юм шиг аашладаг. (Гэхдээ тэр эзэн биш юм уу бид түүний эзэн мөн бишийг мэдэхгүй.)
  • He talks as though he knew who Jane was. (But he doesn`t know or we don`t know whether he knows or not.) Тэр яг Жэйныг мэддэг хүн шиг ярьдаг. (Гэхдээ тэр мэдэхгүй юм уу эсвэл түүнийг мэддэг мэддэггүйг бид мэдэхгүй.)
  • He looks at me as if I were guilty, (but I am not) Тэр намайг буруутай юм шиг хараад байсан. (Гэхдээ би буруугүй)

The verb preceding as if/though can be put to a past tense without changing the tense of the subjunctive:

  • He talks/talked as though he knew who Jane was..Тэр Жэйныг таньдаг юм шиг ярьж байсан.

After as if/as though we use a past perfect when referring to a real or imaginary action in the past:

  • He talks about Rome as though he had been there himself. (But he hasn`t or probably hasn`t or we don`t know whether he has or not.) Тэр Ромд байсан юм шиг л Ромын тухай ярьж байсан. (Гэхдээ тэр тэнд байгаагүй юм уу эсвэл түүний байсан үгүйг бид мэдэхгүй байгаа.)

Again, the verb preceding as if/though can be put into a past tense without changing the tense of the subjunctive:

Her eyes look/looked as if she had been crying. Нүд нь уйлчихсан юм шиг харагдаж байсан.

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