Thursday, June 18, 2009

Хэрэглээ - the /2/

school ба the school хоёрын хэрэглээний ялгааг жишээн дээрээс харна уу.
Alison is ten years old. Every day she goes to
school. She`s at school now. School
begins at 9 and finishes at 3.

When we say that a child is at school or goes to school, we are not necessarily thinking of a particular school. We are thinking of school as a general idea.

Энэ тохиодолд Алисоны сургуульд явдаг, сургууль дээрээ байгаа гэх мэт өгүүлбэрүүдийн санаа нь тухайн нэг сургуулийг бодит байшингийнхан нь хувьд яриагүй. Алисоныг боловсрол эзэмшдэг гэсэн утгаар хэрэглэгдэж байгаа тул тодорхой ялгац гишүүн авахгүй.

Today Alison`s mother wants to speak to her
daughter`s teacher. So she has gone to the
to see her. She`s at the school now

Alison`s mother is not a pupil. She is not "at
school", she doesn`t "go to school". But if she
wants to see Alison`s teacher, she goes to the
(= Alison`s school, a particular school).
Өнөөдөр Алисоны ээж нь түүний багштай уулзахаар сургууль уруу нь явахыг хүсэж байгаа. Одоо тэр сургууль дээр нь байгаа: гэх өгүүлбэрүүдэд тодорхой нэг сургуулийн тухай ярьж байгаа тул тодорхой ялгац гишүүн хэрэглэнэ.

Дээрхтэй адил хэдбэрээр ашигладаг үгнүүд prison, hospital, university, church

"You`re going to prison" said a police officer

"Чи шоронд орох болно" гэж цагдаа хэлсэн: энэ тохиолдолд ямар нэгэн тодорхой шоронгийн тухай биш ШИЙТГҮҮЛЭХ болно гэсэн санаа илэрхийлсэн, тодорхой ялгац гишүүн хэрэглэхгүй.

I went to the hospital to visit my grandfather

Би эмнэлэг явж өвөөгөө эргэсэн: энэ тохиолдолд тодорхой нэг эмнэлэг буюу өвөөгийнхөө хэвтэж байгаа эмнэлэг руу явсан/ тодорхой ялгац гишүүн хэрэглэсэн

The ялгац гишүүн хэрэглэхгүй тохиолдол The ялгац гишүүн хэрэглэх тохиолдол
• Tim`s brother is in prison for robbery.
• Mrs Jones goes to church every Sunday.
• Tim had an accident last week.
• He was taken to hospital. He`s still in hospital.
• Tim`s went to the prison to visit his brother.
• She`s at the hospital now.
• He went to the church to repair the roof.
• Excuse me, where is the university, please?

Bed, work, home

We say: "go to bed / be in bed" etc. (not "the bed"):

• It`s time to go to bed now.
• This morning I had breakfast in bed


• I sat down on the bed. (a particular piece of furniture)

We say:

1. go to work / be at work / start work / finish work etc. (not "the work"):

• Ann didn`t go to work yesterday.
• What time do you usually finish work?

2. go home / come home / arrive home / be at home etc.:

• It`s late. Let`s go home.
• Will you be at home tomorrow afternoon?

3. We say "go to sea / be at sea" (without "the") when the meaning is "go/be on a voyage":
• Keith is a seaman. He spends most of his life at sea.


• I`d like to live near the sea.
• It can be dangerous to swim in the sea.

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