The Present Simple negative - Жирийн одоо цагийн үгүйсгэсэн хэлбэр - "don`t" = do not | "doesn`t" = does not
Гуравдагч этгээд (he, she, it) үгүйсгэсэн хэлбэрт үйл үг нь "s" дагавар авна. Жишээ нь:
Do you read book? Yes, i do | Does he like candy? No, he likes ice cream |
I/we/you/they | do not | do not have | do not read | do not like | do not eat | do not drink |
I/we/you/they | don`t | don`t have | don`t read | don`t like | don`t eat | don`t drink |
He/she/it | does not | does not have | does not read | does not like | does not eat | does not drink |
He/she/it | doesn`t | doesn`t have | doesn`t read | doesn`t like | doesn`t eat | doesn`t drink |
Хагас сайн өдрийн өглөө Бений хийдэг болон хийдэггүй зүйлс
On Saturday Mr Bean doesn`t wake up at 6.00 am. He wakes up at 8.00 am. Хагас сайн өдөр Бен 6 цагт сэрдэггүй.Тэр 8 цагт сэрдэг. |
He doesn`t get up at 6.15 am. He gets up at 9.00 am. Тэр 6.15-д босдоггүй, 9 цагт босдог. |
Everyday he doesn`t go to the post office. He goes to the post office 2 times in a week. Тэр шуудан руу өдөр бүр явдаггүй. Тэр 7 хоногт 2 удаа шуудан явдаг. |
He doesn`t have a shower. He has a bath. Тэр шүршүүрт ордоггүй, баннанд ордог. |
After his shower he doesn`t have a cup of coffee. He has a shave and brushes his teeth. Шүршүүрт орсоны дараа тэр кофе уудаггүй, сахлаа хусаж шүдээ угаадаг. |
Baagii doesn`t watch TV in the morning. He watches TV until 4am. Баагий өглөөгүүр зурагт үздэггүй. Тэр өглөөний 4 хүртэл зурагт үздэг. |
After breakfast he doesn`t read the newspaper. He goes for a run. Өглөөний цайны дараа тэр сонин уншдаггүй. Тэр гүйхээр явдаг.
After his run he doesn`t go to work. He usually visits friends. Гүйсний дараа тэр ажил руугаа явдаггүй. Тэр голдуу найз нартайгаа уулздаг. |
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